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Google eyes nanoparticle platform as part of health rethink

Google eyes nanoparticle platform as part of health rethink Google likes taking on big problems and that's no secret. Transportation. Communication, and now Health. The Atlantic has posted a video and it is all about Google's attempt to redefine how we manage our health. "Over the last three years, Google has quietly built a cutting-edge health care facility," said the magazine video. Google's facility employs over 100 doctors and scientists. James Hamblin, senior editor at The Atlantic, sat in Mountain View, California, and spoke with Andrew Conrad, head of Google Life Sciences. Conrad told him that the group is trying to change medicine from being episodic and reactive (like going to the doctor because your arm hurts) to proactive. Google is working on a wristband that can detect cancer cells when they first appear. That would be possible in a system where they would be designing tiny magnetic particles to patrol the human body for signs of cancer and other di